
The Steamship Cartela Trust has DGR (Deductible Gift Recipient) status meaning that it can accept donations which become tax deductible for the donor.

The Directors of the Trust are:

George Rance – Chair

George is one of the inaugural Directors of the Cartela Trust, and has been passionate about its history as a Tasmanian icon, and its restoration. He has a background in economics having served as Principal Economist with the then NSW Department of Agriculture, and was the inaugural Business Manager for the Australian Maritime College’s research company, AMC Search. George also served as the Executive Director of the Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association.

His leadership extends across several Boards contributing valuable insights into both the Agricultural and Maritime sectors, including:

  • AMC Search
  • The Brooke Street Pier Development Corporation
  • National Strategic Services
  • Workforce Health Assessors
  • Local Government Board Tasmania

From a family who owned historic wooden sailing vessels and as a long term boat owner George understands the joys and challenges of boat maintenance, making him a valuable advocate for the Cartela’s restoration.

Scott Ashton-Jones

One of the inaugural directors of the Cartela Trust, Scott has a background in a wide range of directorships and in agriculture.  He has strong community connections through the contributions he has made to industry, community, government and business organisations.

Scott is principal of his family farming operation in central Tasmania, and a director and former chairman of the Hobart based and innovative Workforce Health Assessors – WHA.

Scott has been a director and/or chairman of, amongst others:

  • The Brooke Street Pier Development Corporation 
  • Tasmanian Irrigation Schemes Pty Ltd 
  • The Tasmanian Rivers and Water Supply Commission 
  • The Australian Meat and Livestock Corporation 
  • Member, Australian government Wool Industry Policy Council 
  • Water policy committee of the National Farmers’ federation
  • Senior Vice President of the Tasmanian Farmers’ and Graziers’ Assoc (TFGA)  

Scott is a boat owner and has a passion for Tasmania’s heritage.

Jude Franks

Jude has been a Director of the Cartela Trust for over a decade, bringing over 40 years of experience in the tourism industry both here in Australia and internationally. She has served on multiple boards and in numerous senior leadership and consulting roles leveraging her extensive knowledge and leadership skills to drive strategic growth and innovation.

Some of her previous and current Board roles include Port Arthur Historic Sites Management Authority ( PAHSMA), Ecotourism Australia, Tasmanian Convention Bureau, National Trust Tasmania, Mt Wellington Cableway Company, RACT and Southern Regional Tourism Association.

Jude is deeply passionate about preserving Tasmania’s maritime heritage and is committed to seeing the historic Cartela steamship restored and operating on our waterways once again. Her dedication to the project reflects her long-standing commitment to the region’s cultural, heritage and tourism landscape. Jude’s vision is to ensure the Cartela continues to be a cherished symbol of Tasmania’s rich maritime and social history.

The Trust is supported by a part time project manager and a group of advisers.

These volunteers have extensive expertise in marine surveying, engineering, shipwrighting, restoration of wooden vessels, operation of vessels including Cartela, legal and planning.

If you would like to offer your expertise, please contact us.