Category: Uncategorized

  • Cartela update

    15th July 2024 Steam Ship Cartela Trust would like to thank the community for their keen interest in Tasmania’s last surviving River Steamer, the Cartela. The Restoration Project’s aim is to return Cartela to her rightful pride of place in Sullivans Cove as a working vessel carrying paying passengers once again. The Trust is confident…

  • Talking Point

    Here are the words as submitted to the Mercury. We thank them for helping us tell the story. “So, what IS happening with Cartela? Readers have recently been asking about the state of Cartela, as she sits looking forgotten on the banks of the Huon River at Franklin.Yes, it doesn’t look like anything has been…

  • Thanks for your responses

    A big thank you to all those who have contacted us recently. We have had some great stories of happy days on Cartela. From tales of school picnics, mutton birding at Wedge Island to Tim Kingston telling us about being the resident DJ on Cartela (and that would have been interesting at times…). One reader…

  • Cartela – what’s happening?

    Many have asked about the Cartela and plans for her future. Here’s a brief summary. Cartela has been at Franklin since 2014 and is looking somewhat neglected. She has however, been checked regularly, including replacement of bilge pumps and various leaks have been fixed. The Trust has sought to raise funds for restoration, with some…